Today, we are giving you a run-down of the need to know when it comes to important documents for Supporting Artist work. We will be covering legal documents, optional certificates and everything in between.
Proof of ID is very important in any job, to prove that you are who you say you are. This is a legal requirement that we must see and have clearly visible on your profile. We will accept a photo of either your passport or birth certificate uploaded to your photo gallery to show your proof of ID. When we hold registrations for new Artists, we will ask you to bring one of the above with you so that we can check these in person.
How to share with us: Take a clear, colour photo of your passport/birth certificate and upload it to your photo gallery. It will then be viewed and approved by our team – If insufficient it may be rejected.
Top Tip: Ensure you keep your photos up to date, including a new photo when your passport expires. We cannot put someone on set without proof of ID on their profile.
National Insurance Number
To coincide with your proof of ID photo, your National Insurance number is a vital requirement to hold on file as proof of ID and your right to work in the UK.
How to share with us: Log onto your profile here> click payments > NI Number
Top Tip: If you do not remember your number, try looking at a payslip from your employer or an official government document that may quote your NI number.
Right to Work
As mentioned above, both your passport and National Insurance number contribute to your proof of right to work in the UK. If you are not a British national and you have a visa confirming your right to work, please also upload a photo of this to your photo gallery.
Top Tip: If you do not hold proof of your right to work in the UK, you may not be eligible for Supporting Artist work in the UK. Please reach out to our Artist Support team if you have any queries and our team can advise on your personal situation.
Remember: Without the correct right to work documents on an Artist’s profile, we cannot put them on set.
Bank Details
While this is not a document, we require all Supporting Artists to input their bank details on their profile and keep them up to date. This information is required to ensure Artists are paid for work they have done. If you have completed work but your bank details are not listed on your profile, you will not be paid, so ensure you double-check the payment page of your profile today. If you change your bank account, please update your bank details on your profile as soon as possible, to avoid delay in payment.
Top Tip: To check or input your details, log in to your profile via the desktop site.
Visit payments > bank details > input your details and save
Your bank details must be uploaded and checked by you, this is not something we can update on your behalf, however, if you need advice or guidance please contact our Artist Support team.
Remember: For security purposes, never share your bank details via email or online messaging services.
DBS Certificates
A DBS Certificate is not a necessity as some productions do not always require one. However, if you do hold a DBS please ensure you regularly keep this up to date. Visit our DBS FAQs to learn how to obtain a certificate, how long they last and how to share it with us, here.
How to share with us: Take a clear, colour photo of your DBS Certificate and upload this to your photo gallery. It will then be viewed and approved by our team and the date amended/added – If insufficient it may be rejected.
NDAs, Covid Declarations and more
If you are sent any documents to sign by our Projects Managers or the production you are working on, please read through these carefully before signing and returning to the appropriate person. We request you return these documents as quickly as possible, as often a quick turnaround is required.
Seeking Assistance
Whether you are new to Supporting Artist work or a very experienced SA, Mad Dog 2020 Casting are always here to support you and ensure you feel comfortable on your SA journey. If you have queries or concerns about your time on set, information on your profile or simply need assistance with any of your important documents, contact our Artist Support team today.