For many companies Christmas is the main sales period and the Christmas ad has become a great focus, especially for the retailers. The John Lewis, Marks and Spencers, Iceland, Littlewoods, Sainsbury and Hennes and a host of supermarket Christmas adverts are eagerly awaited to see what creativity they are going to use to attract gift shoppers. We picked out three ads which were among our favourites.
At Mad Dog 2020 we like the big productions, gatherings of people celebrating in one way or another as Christmas is all about getting people together to celebrate and last year Sainsbury scored a double victory with their well executed tale commemorating the Christmas Day football match from World War I and with a central message about sharing. A mini drama which touched the heartstrings and was highly memorable.
H&M are another one to watch. Their 2014 offering will be hard to top, H&M made a great Christmas ad with no less than the legendary Tony Bennett and flamboyant Lady Gaga. All of the glamour of the jazz era was brought to life through the stars, the models and the extras who took part in this ad. This was style personified and if you were going to a Christmas party last year H&M would have been a great place to look for your party outfit.
Littlewoods used celebrities to get their message across in 2014, an Aladdin themed spectacular with Christopher Biggins and Myleen Klass. Exotic, colourful, upbeat and tapping into the pantomime spirit, this ad was perfectly tailored to the target audience. The music really helped to make this ad memorable and the crowds of people in the ad gave it a great party feel.
We are looking forward to seeing this years Christmas productions, especially the ones we have provided extras for already. Along with Christmas store windows and the Christmas stamps these ads are a real tradition and expectations are high.
Contact Mad Dog 2020 on 0207 269 7910 for extras, walk ons, and featured roles